Reasons to become your club’s next president
Posted in: Articles
OK, being a club president can be challenging.
Most people who have never been in the role assume it can daunting, and have the notion that the President must be the hardest working person in the club, who is solely responsible for the success of the club.
While the committee is responsible for all club activities, the absolute key characteristic of successful Presidents and their committees is that they know exactly what the club is seeking to achieve, they have recruited people into each role and are continually communicating with everybody within the club to ensure the club is on track to achieve its goals and any issues and challenges (which there will be some) are identified and resolved as early as possible.
Presidents don’t have to be working the longest hours at the club but successful Presidents are definitely those who are the most informed!
Being a President, while having a commitment of time and energy (and let’s be honest, a lack of sleep), has so many positive aspects.
To read more please click here.
Throughout November 2017, Sports Community are hosting several webinars for incoming presidents, treasurers and secretaries. Read more about them by on the links below: