The Australian Karting Association Ltd trading as Karting Australia (KA) is the governing body for the sport of Karting in Australia. Formed in 1966 the AKA has produced some of Australia’s finest motor racing talents. In September 2013 a new structure for the sport was introduced with a highly motivated skills based Board and new CEO being installed to run and develop the sport.
The power and authority to organise and control the sport within Australia has been delegated to KA by the Federation Internationale de ‘l Automobile (FIA) through the Confederation of Australian Motorsport (CAMS).
The seven Associations that are affiliated with Karting Australia all have “State Offices” that provide direct services to their member Clubs and licence holders in their State or Territory.
KA has as our broad based objectives to encourage competition from a young age at appropriate levels, to develop excellence and to increase participation in the sport of Karting.
The Board of KA hold as an imperative that our sporting competitions should be fun, fair, well run, and provide the best value for money that is achievable, in a quality environment where people can participate for the simple enjoyment of sport and to be able to strive for success at elite levels.
Sound principles of Board governance, administrative responsibility, decision making for a fit and proper purpose at National, State and Club levels, respectful, fairness and transparency in officiating and the conduct of the sport at all levels are matters that should not be taken lightly as to do so will alienate those who have a right and a desire to compete in Karting on a level playing field.