Social media is a great way to communicate your club culture which may attract new members and new people to the sport.
Creativity is limited to the imagination of those responsible for the social media channels.
Some common channels include:
- Facebook Pages (note: Create a club PAGE not a PROFILE)
- YouTube
Karting competitors and clubs in Australia are fortunate to be able to generate their own content through the carrying of cameras on the front of each kart for major events.
Social Media can be used for positive and very negative forces – it is recommended that within a club, administration of the pages be kept to a minimum number and with someone that is trusted to handle a potentially volatile situation appropriately.
Some tips:
- If an issue is raised on Social Media, invite any negative poster to engage with the club in an offline environment (direct message or club email) – don’t ever engage in an argument as the Club or if you are a Committee Member of the Club under your own account
- If the post is particularly derogatory or potentially defamatory toward a competitor, contractor or committee member – delete the post – and if the person is not known to the club – ban them.
- Populate the Facebook Pages profanity filter with as many “swear words” as possible – remember we’re a family sport
As a guide – engage the Karting Australia Social Media Usage Policy as the basis for your own club.